Theresa May finally reached out to Corbyn to aks for his help in getting Brexit over the line. She wants to apply for another short extension, avoiding the Euro-elections. The good news is that having seen the weight of opinion in Parliament, she’s moving away from catastrophic towards pointless. Here’s what Corbyn said last time, in February about what he thought was acceptable, and I commented on the letter here … and then wrote a small piece about the requirement to be able to keep the European Arrest Warrant.
As I said, the latter is an important demand, since it invokes the justice pillar which brings the Charter of Fundamental Rights and the Court into play. Another Tory red line bites the dust.
This also is still true, from, my “New Red Lines” article, which still holds true,
My one true fear is that it means Labour accepts the withdrawal agreement which will throws those Brit’s living in the EU under the bus, and the will permit the Tory government to implement another Windrush by placing EU citizens in the UK, having lived here for months or years under the same hostile environment applied to other alien immigrants and subject to uncertainty about their rights to remain. For me this might be a price too high!
More sharply, this should say, as Michael Chesum did, “Theresa May just gave Jeremy Corbyn an opportunity to share blame for Tory Brexit, with no chance of amending Withdrawal Agreement and (at best) input into future relationship which can be ripped up by future Tory govt. Don’t take it. No confidence now! Public vote on any deal!”
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Looking back, some would say that May saw the threat to the Union that leaving the customs union and single market would cause, but was unable to deliver the Tory Party to vote in that way.