I was browsing sun’s blogs, when I was pointed at wordle, for the first time. This produces word maps from feed URLs. You can see a view of mine below, it was taken earlier today.
Wordle is (cc) Attribution only, so I need to say the picture above is produced by wordle.net [site | faq ].
Its a Java App so sadly, I had to screen-scrape the full size picture, and so generating one per article is too much of a fag, and hard to do ; they use the feed and so see many articles. Word mapping is becoming a powerful tool, but this needs to be licensed by the blog publisher to be included as part of the blog server functionality. I think we’d want clouds/article and clouds/blog. I thought I’d check out what happens if one uses a feed, so I also did one on planetsun.org. See below.
It suggests to me that wordle has a fairly short view back in history.
Of course both my blog and the sun bloggers site have hyperlinked tag clouds, which again diminished the use of wordle.
Originally, posted on my sun/oracle blog, reposted in July 2016 with the images restored.
The links on this site are now dead. Alternatives may be found using the search argument, “Word Clouds”.