The reason we want democratic control of the economy and fiscal policy is because the choice of theory, is often the choice of outcome. We don’t necessarily want to use the independent Bank of England and the Office of Budget Responsibility’s computer models because they may embed bad theory. …
The best advice available
I made a storify about Corbyn’s actions to normalise his economic strategy by taking advice from the best.
First time in five years, I am not at LP Conference. Wonder what’s happening? …
Trident & Labour
We i.e. @LewDeptLabour might have made a mistake not mandating that Trident is debated at Conference #lab15; one it gives the media the opportunity to say that Jeremy has lost control of conference and secondly, some of the decisions may be taken by next year. Bother!
What do with the registered supporters?
Ann Black reports on the September, pre-conference National Executive Committee at Left Futures. These are clearly hard things to write since getting a balance between hope for the future and a description of what’s happening can be hard. I felt the need to comment. on the running of the election where the point needs to be made that barely legal is not good enough. The coming exclusion of registered supporters is a mistake, and the party has changed; most MPs mandate to speak for the Labour Party has expired as has the utility of the National Policy Forum. …
Software safe for all
I made a storify about VW having been caught using software to cheat on emissions regulation. This impacts their rights to do business in some jurisdictions and their customer’s tax liabilities in others. It also raises the dormant yet critical question as to how do we as citizens know that software is telling the truth.
See also this, on this blog – “pragmatic radicalism’s top of the policies on the digital revolution“ …
Seen on my journeys to work this week. Are TFL making more journeys and with hidden fair rises? I though it was checkin, get on, get off, check out and that’s your journey. If they both start and end in Z2, then it’s a single zone ticket. Are they fining you for travelling through Shoreditch High Street on the train? Whitechapel to Hoxton should be a Zone 2 journey and yet you can’t avoid SHS.
And it should be immaterial of carrier! My journey from Canary Wharf to New Cross should be a TFL Z2 journey, what is this pink monstrosity? (I think it’s breaking the journey, between the Tube and London Overground stages.) …
Annoyingly, just because people have whatsapp installed on their phone doesn’t mean they use it. …
10 minutes difference
I met an old friend at Waterloo this a.m., didn’t spend long, but boy does the 10 minutes make a difference on the journey from their to the City. Sadly, I shall be having to continue to catch that train.
About the Corbyn victory, one reason is that in 2010 we said enough to Blair/Brown New Labour project, but the PLP didn’t listen. They’d best do so this time. …