I travelled to Barcelona with Mrs L. and on my return went up to London and travelled by Tube to deliver a presentation to Kable’s “Open Source in the Public Sector”, which reminded me of the weekend in Barcelona, both the prices and experience were better in Spain, although I didn’t travel on the Metro during a rush hour. As I landed, the day before, I received a message that Oracle had bid for Sun Microsystems, I also reflect on the helpful people at Heathrow. This post includes a slide show of my Barcelona pictures.

On the journey home I reflected on the fact that the hotel had only one internet terminal and that was in the lounge so I had been out of contact during the weekend. We visited the sites and I took some pictures

Created with flickr slideshow.

The hyperlink for the pictures at flickr is here… at flickr.

I was in the air as the press releases about Oracle and Sun were circulating. I got a text message when I landed. Twitter had turned itself off while I was abroad and this is probably a good thing, but it was old fashioned SMS that let me know and now like you, I just have to wait and see what happens.

On the journey out to Barcelona for long weekend via the marvellous Heathrow airport; I have never been so close to missing a plane… I have actually, I have had people on the jump seat pulled off on a journey to Spain before now, but I must thank all those people who helped us through our journey across the airport.


Originally posted on my sun/oracle blog as three articles, reposted here in July 2016. This post includes a slide show of my Barcelona pictures, replacing a single shot of the Sagria Familie.

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