There is a bit of storm about blogging going on at the moment. Tim Bray started it here, with a sharp manifesto for its goodness, but you may have missed Claire Giordano’s contribution, which apart from making the business argument, lists a bunch of links from both the blogosphere and more traditional media outlets and usefully checkpoints the debate. In summary, businesses that want to tell the truth, benefit from authentic knowledgeable spokespeople. Blogging is both a technology & culture that allows these people to talk directly to their consumers and external i.e. networked collaborators.
I’d like to add that these conversations (if they’re with the right people) aid the co-invention process. Sun’s key inventors can learn from our customers, while the customers can gain from Sun’s experts and expertise.
Originally posted on my sun/oracle blog, republished here in Feb 2016.
I think it’s worth reposting as the debate has continued for the last 10 years. My original article didn’t mention Cluetrain, since I hadn’t read it at the time but the marketing architects of had done so. Bray’s article is still worth reading; I think managements are much more cautions today. DFL 13 Feb 2016