The “planet mingle” which drove my IO page, broke in Sept 23, and I have hidden the two pages hosting the public mingles that I had previously published. My bookmarks can now be viewed at “my diigo page” or directly at – davelevy or as RSS. Other feeds and publications are documented at my page. …
Bye bye flash
Flash has gone, my flickr slide shows will no longer work anywhere rather than only work on the desktop. I will transition to an alternative technology using a word press plugin. Bear with me as this happens, it’ll take a while. See also Flickr Slide Shows on my wiki, if you want more. …
About site navigation and search

I have tweaked the navigation features on this blog, I have added a category filter at the bottom of all pages and note that for those of you for whom the feedburner subscriptions don’t work, you can use visual ping to set up a visualping,io alert. The tag cloud is still in place and augmented by a 3D version of it. The footnote section of this site also documents the rss/xml feeds as does the feeds page for the site, and the categories page documents the category names. For anything else there remains the search widget.
My wiki, moving home
I have moved my Wiki from to …
Finding categories in this blog
I have made some slight amendments to this site. I installed a redirect,, now resolves as my youtube channel, I have added the youtube channel to the links at the bottom of the page and I have amended the slider so that it exposes links to the work page, the wiki, the politics category (was the whole blog), the thoughts category and the technology category articles in the blog. …
bye bye
A couple of days ago, I turned off domain renewal for, I had to do this because of Brexit. I shall relinquish the domain on the 4th. I hope we’ll be back, but it’ll be a while. …
Retweets, likes and bookmarks

Twitter have, it seems, changed the way and thus the semantics of the way in which we can tag ours and others tweets. One can no longer parse the history of one’s own likes but we now have bookmarks which can. Up until now, I have said that, “… comments are mine, retweets are not agreement, likes likely to mean ‘read later'”. I’d best change this.
From now my policy is “comments are mine, retweets, likes and bookmarks do not signify agreement”.
Retweets everyone can see, followers get this in the feed, and the author is notified.
Likes, the author is notified and the like count incremented.
Bookmarks can be browsed. …
My feedly OPML
I have today updated my feedly OPML file mirror on this site. You can use this to import my list into another reader but there are over 400 feeds, and some of them are no longer live. Perhaps I should weed it. … …
Old Wisdom
I have over the last 24 hours installed the “Advanced Random Post” plugin and created a “Random” page which lists 7 old articles,with a short excerpt. I did this for me because I now have 14 years of content on this blog, and some of it is worth revisiting, either to show how clever I was, or how wrong I was. You can laugh, I can learn! …
To pay or not to pay (for flickr)
Due to Flickr’s impending choice to reduce free collections to 1000 or pay, I have tried to mark i.e. tag those posts which have flickr slide shows with the tags flickr and slideshow. Don’t think its perfect; I might have to write some SQL. …