Due to Flickr’s impending choice to reduce free collections to 1000 or pay, I have tried to mark i.e. tag those posts which have flickr slide shows with the tags flickr and slideshow. Don’t think its perfect; I might have to write some SQL. …
When I felt the need to start shouting on Facebook, I needed a somewhere else to put my less well formed thoughts and diary-like notes. Firstly I experimented with ello, but I later transferred my ello to a wordpress blog site, ello.davelevy.info in July 2016, to make it easier to share and integrate. I moved these posts to this site in March 2018. I categorised my entries in that blog as “thoughts” and category thoughts remains in place. I occasionally still use it. I documented the ello blog as page on this site, and with a carousel entry on the home page.
I continued to use ello for sillyness and stuff and there is a link to it at the bottom of all pages, in the black panel.
Comments are now auto closed after 14 days, there is be a social login plugin to allow you to comment using your own social network logins.
Articles on the thoughts blog are more likely to be unfinished, often representing work in progress, or ideas with insufficient time invested.
Today, I transferred this content from a page to this post. …
Coming Soon
I plan to merge my two blogs blog. & ello. into this site. Well, they are both loaded now.
This blog will not have the “addthis” plugin. …
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging! Written by WordPress on installing the Spacious Theme. …
Why I gave up on Snipsnap
It can be summed up as a lack of future, cost to host and missing functionality. For more detail, check out my full article on my wiki. …
Announcing the end of my snipsnap/aws bliki
Earlier this month, I completed the migration of my snipsnap bliki to davelevy.info. Most of the blog articles are in this blog, and most of the wiki articles are in my wiki. I have set a 303 on the old site and shall turn it off in about a month’s time. …
Help, looking for an XML widget for wordpress
It seems the big boys, i.e. google, facebook, who it now seems own friend feed and twitter are all changing their services and APIs. Friendfeed has stopped parsing twitter because of the API changes, it also seems to have stopped polling my delicious feed. My home grown mingle is still polling my bookmarks, blogs and pictures, but it’s lost my google reader news posts and you tube favourites some time ago; google turned them off as they sought to make Google+ a secret garden. My booklist site, living social, packed in a while ago. All in all, my efforts to collect my contributions on the internet into a single place are falling apart. …
Blogging the Budget
I have just posted my comments on the 2013 budget, I have back dated the post to budget day, to try and keep the blog closer to diary form, some notes were made over the next couple of hours, but the article was finished today. …
Fixing my Feeds
Just done some tidying up on the blog and web site and my syndication strategies. …
Level Up
Announcing Version 4 of my Blog, it’s a fully hosted wordpress implementation hosted at 1and1 in Germany. It’s been available for a couple of days now, it uses zdbench theme and wptouch, so it’s now easy to read with handhelds, …