On blogs.sun.com, I posted an article about some of the theory behind the Data Centre Economics offerings I and colleagues were working on. The exercises were designed to model the costs of an infrastructure platform and show the profitability of implementing, smaller, faster & cheaper systems. I made this into white paper format, available here…, the original article, without the graphic remains available at the sun/oracle site, here….
Is it still worth reading? Not so sure. See the first comment
The article had the following foot notes:
The meta-model (or at the least its diagrammatic representation) is copyrighted. The predecessor model was published in ComputaCenter’s White Paper “Consolidating the Server Infrastructure”.
1 “Consolidation in the Data Center” by David Hornby and Ken Pepple227 pages ISBN 0-13-045495-8 Published September 19, 2002 – this is a buy it page but the book description is easier to find than on the Sun Blueprints Books page.
2 “Consolidating the Server Infrastructure”, A Computacenter Whitepaper. V1.0 Published Nov 2002 – It looks like they’ve updated their White Paper and the meta-model has dropped out.
Is it still worth reading? Not so sure. Our experience over the next few years showed that we came under increasing pressure to justify projects on tangible costs only and there was little interest in making savings on staff costs, partly because the staffing levels had already been cut. The point of the article was to align with the view that you can only save money you spend. There was some controversy inside Sun about this at the time.