One thought on “GMB votes to repeal the Tory Union Laws

  • 14th June 2019 at 10:37 am

    Congress notes Labour’s 2017 Manifesto Chapter “A fair deal at work”.

    Congress welcomes the commitments for a new Ministry of Labour/Department of Employment.

    Congress calls:

    for Labour’s Manifesto to contain explicit proposals to implement laws to “ensure Britain abides by the global Labour standards of the ILO conventions”.

    for Labour’s Manifesto to contain explicit proposals to implement laws about Trade Union rights to organise meeting the GMB’s stated policy aims including solidarity action; this will require the repeal of Thatcher’s and later Tory Trade Union “Reform” laws.

    for the next Labour Government to repeal the Transparency of Lobbying, Non-Party Campaigning and Trade Union Administration Act 2014.

    Congress instructs the CEC to campaign for these goals and to co-operate with the TUC and other civic society organisations with similar goals.

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