I met up with some people who had seen Labour’s Conference Agenda items and they said that the following rule amendments were to be debated, or at least rules on the following topics. N.B. I have not yet read these, so my comments may be a bit off.
- A proposal to amend the so-called three year rule on rule changes, allowing popular changes to be debated within the current three year moratorium.
- There will be a rule change about OMOV for Executive Mayor’s and Council Leaders (& Deputies).
- An amendment to re-establish Clause IV, the rule not the group
- A proposal to permit amendments to motions at Conference.
- A rule change to clarify the rules on access to membership data lists.
- A rule change to permit BAME only shortlists; I have not read this rule change but am aware that this is likely to require legislation.
- A rule change on democratising the LCF, barring councillors and increasing the size, and having 25% of delegates as TU delegates.
- A proposal to submit both a rule change & a motion. Again I have not read this so I don’t know if it changes the number to be submitted beyond one of each.
- A motion changing the rules to ensure the transparency of public official’s/candidate’s finances
- A proposal to revise revision of disciplinary rule, C2.I.8. (I have not read this, but it’s a clue to search it out and read it.)
- A proposal on greater diversity in CLPs.
It seems the NEC will be proposing to amend the disciplinary process. The desire is to create a fast track process but the fear is that they are proposing to fatally weaken the legally necessary separation of powers/segregation of duties between the NEC and the NCC. Obviously one needs to read it, but this sounds like one to oppose.
Rules are currently proposed to be debated on Saturday afternoon. Delegates will need all their credentials, including their card vote books which are *not* sent by post.