I was looking through the LP’s finance report presented to#Lab19, which has the 2018 7 2017 figures in it. I had previously discovered that at the end of 2018, the Labour Party had £20.8m “cash in hand” and so it had become a surprise to me that we had only spent £8m on the General Election, when we had spent £11m in 2017.
But this time round I found some other things that piqued my interest
- The Labour Party made a surplus of £1.4m in 2017, the year of a General Election that we lost by 2,500 votes. Why is this?
- Income from Affiliations is the third largest source of income, after membership fees, and the front bench “short money” grant.
- On the expenditure front, they spent £3m (6%) on “Grants and payments to CLPs”.
For context, total income in 2018 was £46.3m and membership fell by 8.1% (45,914) from 564,433 to 518,519.
There’s a chart of the sources of income oveleaf/below …
On Labour’s Money
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