The report by Prime Minister’s independent advisor on ministerial standards says she is and has been ever since she became a minister, Boris, after having tried to nobble the report, decides that intent is a relevant factor; it isn’t! The impact on its victims is the sole definitional fact that counts. Anyway, her ex-Permanent Secretary, Sir Philip Ruttnam, denies the mitigating factors and so will continue on his route to court. The investigating officer, the Prime Minister’s ex-independent advisor on ministerial standards, Sir Alex Allan has resigned.

It transpires that despite asking, Sir Alex was denied the opportunity to interview Sir Phillip, on legal grounds 🙄

This is not just about politics; bullying is endemic in London and was the single most common grievance I pursued as a Union rep until the post furlough redundancies. I hope the Civil Service unions take this up.

Priti Patel and bullying
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One thought on “Priti Patel and bullying

  • 22nd November 2020 at 9:52 am

    I added the link to the Guardian story on not interviewing Sir Philip Ruttenham

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