I am fed up hearing about the PLP’s 9m vote mandate. Firstly, the total labour vote is ~8.7m. Secondly just above 5m voted for winning candidates i.e.the members of the PLP, the other 3.7m voted for Labour candidates that lost and thirdly, they won because they were Labour candidates, and that is chosen by the Party membership. …
Box Charts in Excel 2007
In my last piece of work, I needed to create some box charts using excel 2007. I have always planned to document this for the world, (or my little readership at least) but when my colleague Jim Barrett showed me the button in the Sparklines menu that does them in Office 2010, I decided to get this done in a hurry. As I said in my last blog article on Excell, I am losing track off Open Office, but this technique also works in Open Office 3.2.1. Most of this article is about making it work in Excel, but I have described how to set error bars in Open Office. …
Selecting from an excel array using two or more criteria
In some of the more complex spreadsheets I have built recently I have wanted to select data from a table based on two conditions. This can be done using the functions COUNTIFS() and SUMIFS(). Once again using range names helps. These functions offer one the the equivilent of boolean AND, and they can be made to implement OR as well. …
Pivoting with medians and filtering frequency distributions in Excel
This was originally written as a note on how to build tables with complex values i.e. values other than those supported in pivot tables.It focused on using range names and countif[s]/sumif[s]. One of the side effects was to document the use of range arrays and functional filtering. i.e. specifying an array within a cell and filtering the values down to one. This later piece of functionality has caused me to return to this page more frequently than the table construction. I have amended the tags and inserted this paragraph as finding it proved harder than I wanted. …
Pie of Pie in Excel
I used an Excell 2007 Pie of Pie chart the other day for the first time. It may be that these are not very sound statistically but they can be powerful graphics. It wasn’t exactly intuitive at the first glance. Here’s how I did it. …