Lies, damn lies and …

This time it’s about voter share but it reminds me of a debate I had about the quote in the title. We felt the and was actually an OR, Another piece of post election analysis that can’t wait. There is a chart being circulated showing Labour’s vote share with the startling result of 2017 as it’s last data point. This makes it pretty useless. They also commit the error of not publishing the complete vertical axis, which has the effect of exaggerating the visual differences and then it seems extend the charts using faces. Anyway, here’s my version …

We should remember that 1992 is 25 years ago, another generation. Without the 1992 data point the argument that 2017 is the anomaly in a declining labour vote is more compelling.

Here’s the meme I am critiquing.


Labour Doorstep

I spent the afternoon on the doorstep as part of the team launching Deptford Labour Pat’s general election campaign. I have worked this area before; I can never read this part of the constituency, socially it should be Labour but its often quiet and much of my experience from previous campaigns is in different classes of area.  …

Privacy and Big Data

I read Privacy and Big Data by Craig and Ludloff towards the end of 2013. The first chapter is called “The Perfect Storm”. The book lists a number of consumer and corporate computing trends, from Google’s search solution and their clustered file systems, the consumer adoption of cloud storage and the realisation of parallel computing models. There is no question that data is growing at an explosive rate and that new computational models are being developed to use these new volumes of data in timescales appropriate to the human. These new models are of interest to both the new internet companies and to Governments yet because of both social media and the distributed nature of modern computing raise questions of privacy. …

A message from Hebron

A message from Hebron

I spent last night at Deptford Labour’s General Committee at which Mel Ward presented on her experience as an Observer in Hebron, in the Palestinian occupied territories where she had just returned from their where she had served as a Human Rights Observer with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel ( from August – November 2013. She lived and worked in Hebron in the West Bank of the occupied Palestinian territory during this time and reported to the world on her blog, I am sure she’d be happy to speak at other meetings and you can guess what she was saying from reading her blog. …

Che Guevara: Revolutionary & Icon in London

I visited the V&A’s Guevara, Revolutionary & Icon exhibition. This exhibition is based on the famous photographic image of him and its use, so less political and a bit more design. Lawrence Lewellyn Bownen does socialism. Sadly the V&A prohibited photographs, even of the plaques they made themselves. So here is a re-sized copy from wikipedia and some comments about some of the other exhibits. …

The New Statesman, Episode 2006


We, that is Mrs L & I, went to see “The New Statesman, Episode 2006”, staring Rik Mayall as Alan B’stard on Saturday. Marsha Fitzalan also reprises her role as his wife Sarah. Sadly, no new jokes, its the same old B’stard, using politics to make money, and have as much, if a bit too fast sex as possible. He’s joined New Labour and works in No. 9 Downing St now. …