I have just spent the evening at the London #Cryptoparty, called on #thedaywefightback. The night was originally planned as an ORG planned Cryptoparty, an un-seminar on how to use your computer and the internet safely and minimize your chances of being spied upon, but the campaign, “Don’t Spy On Us” has been launched by English Pen, the Open Rights Group, Liberty, Article 19, Privacy International and Big Brother Watch. The campaign watchword is their 1st principle, “No surveillance without suspicion”.

The six principles on which they are campaigning are stated on this campaigning page, where they also have a petition and a write to your MP page,

  1. No Surveillance without Suspicion
  2. Transparent Laws not Secret Laws
  3. Judicial not Political Authorisation
  4. Effective Democratic Oversight
  5. The right to redress
  6. A secure web for all

And Laurie Penny caught it on twitter,

I attended a session on public key infrastructure using Thunderbird and Enigmail, and was caught on camera.


The day we fight back
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