YouGov have run a poll, on behalf of the People’s Vote Campaign asking Trade Unionists some questions about their opinions on the EU & Brexit, this was done on 20th-23rd June and it reports on the GMB, Unite & Unison, the top three by size. It makes sobering reading for Labour’s “Lexiters”, as all three samples would vote to Remain by significant margins and that ~35% would be more likely to vote Labour if it supported a 2nd referendum, with Remain on the ballot.

69% stated that they would vote remain in a referendum held tomorrow.

Other articles my focus on the General Election implications but I am glad that the GMB adopted this position at their Conference earlier this month. … 

I have downloaded the data and posted it to this blog as a media item, as I am constantly surprised at the permanence of the blog and sort of feel, it’s more likely to last here than even on a site like YouGov. The content is copyright YouGov; this is a non-commercial site and I have currently made the hyperlink a nofollow link. The report is also on the Wayback machine.

Trade Unionists oppose Brexit
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