There is a vacancy for the position of Secretary of Lewisham Deptford CLP. I have been nominated by my Branch and plan to stand. If you are a delegate to he CLP’s Geneneral Committee, then this is why I think you should vote for me. My speech and a video we made, are below/overleaf …
I stand for a member-led party, a party where all are welcome and speak without fear, where the rules are applied fairly and with justice and where all who agree not to campaign against us in elections can join.
I believe in the 2017 Manifesto, but recognise it could be improved.
I believe that in a member led party, members have the right to criticise its leadership when they believe them to be wrong.
I believe that Brexit is a right-wing project, that there were never any good terms to leave on and that now the Labour Party needs to unite to oppose the Tory’s Brexit, whether by a General Election, Final Say referendum, or by Parliamentary vote to revoke. I believe that many of those who still say GE first actually want to leave. Labour must declare itself a Remain party, anything else jeopardises its future as the EU Parliamentary elections prove.
I believe that we are going to have to work hard to win voters back from the EU Parliamentary elections, but this can be done be being relevant which means improving the council’s performance, continuous campaigning and emphasising the investment and tax policy focuses of the 2017 manifesto
I voted for Diane in 2010 and Jeremy in 2015 & 2016.
I’ll seek to establish means of accountability between the Council Group and the Party’s membership.
I have fought in 10 general elections and have appetite and energy to fight more. I have been in Deptford for nine years, I have been secretary of two branches and am a previous secretary of the CLP, I have held other positions on the EC. I am an active Trade Unionist, a branch official and accompanying rep. This EC lacks a memory which is why we are continuously repeating debates we have had previously; I can help to provide that memory.
I have often spoken at the GC, and my views are known across the constituency.
I’ll try to meet and balance the needs to develop policy, educate ourselves, campaign for change in our community and to win elections.
When I stood last year, I made this Video with Rebecca, while the political situation has changed, my views on organisation and culture have not.