The real reason for meeting with the Telefonica representative was to gain some familiarity with the NESSI project they lead, called EZWeb. This is hosted on the Morfeo Project site, and these projects have significant support from the Spanish Government. …
Cool Iris
I had a swift meeting with Juan Jose of Telefonica which while we had some important stuff to share, he just had to show me Cool Iris. …
Laptop Diaries XIII, Open Solaris
I went to Sun’s Lintlithgow Enterprise Business Centre launch last week, and I saw a demo’d copy of an opensolaris VM which looked really cool, and then a colleague, Jingesh Shah, published a blog about an open source ERP package, called “openbravo” running on Open Solaris. This has to be done. I got Open Solaris running in a VM. …
What’s my tcp/ip address?
An unfinished task from playing Diablo 2 at home was how to discover the public ip address. I have now written the program to display the allocated tcp/ip address on the screen of one of my windows desktops. Full details are at What’s my IP Address on the wiki. Vive le command line! I used TCL/TK and the command line ping. …
Multi-Player Diablo
Now its working. Make sure both systems are on fixed local tcp/ip addresses, enable port forwarding on the gateway for ports 4000, 6112-6119 to the games host. Make sure both games are patched up, although you only need one CD. Join the game using the gateway’s internet address. I need to write a program to report this to the screen, currently I login into the gateway to get this.
Further notes and hints on my Diablo page on my wiki. …
Laptop Diaries
Just building up a new laptop for the family, but this one’s MS Vista. I bought a copy of Norton, of course, but had a couple of problems installing MS Office and transferring data. Most of these seeem to be firewall problems, but it does seem that Vista/XP networking might not be as easy as it should. It would seem that Norton (and Microsoft) now have a new version of ‘Secure by Default’, which borrows from the good old security guru’s axiom, ‘if no-one can use it, no one can abuse it.’
On a more serious note, when adopting W95, Microsoft left the 3.11 program explorer interface in place, with XP you have ‘classic’ look and feel themes, I can’t find the retro interface on Vista and I found trying to get it to ‘see’ the exported devices on my home network exceptionally frustrating, and I still don’t know how we got it to work.
For more, see New Laptop, Studio 15 on my wiki. …
I was browsing sun’s blogs, when I was pointed at wordle, for the first time. This produces word maps from feed URLs. You can see a view of mine below, it was taken earlier today. …