It’s that time of year when the large unions send out their affiliation cheques to the Labour Party for 2019. This raises questions in the minds of many Labour Party activists. I have written about this a couple of times, Most importantly, on organisational eligibility and on communication with the affiliating entity. Bit back by popular demand …
- Only national committees and branches of Trade Unions may affiliate to a CLP, although most Unions will send a cheque (or on-line transfer) from a regionally administered political fund. (Affiliation payments must come from the political fund.) Regional bodies may not affiliate.
- Each affiliating entity must pay 6p/member resident in the constituency subject to a minimum payment of £6.00 and is entitled to 5 delegates unless local rules with an adjustment to the blank rule in Appendix 7 ((Ap 7.III.1)) change this or the affiliating entity has over 1000 members living in the constituency when a delegate entitlement for that entity may be negotiated between the Union, the CLP and RD/GS. This limit would also apply to National Committees of Trade Unions, only five delegates/affiliation.
- Only branches of socialist societies may affiliate to CLPs. (C7.III.1.c). Most don’t seem to have them.
- All communication between the CLP and the affiliating entity must be to the affiliating entity’s Secretary (C7.IX.6); without this fact the CLP cannot send notices of business nor validate that any proposals for business such as motions or requisitions for emergency meetings are validly authorised. i.e. an affiliation must include documentation detailing the entity’s secretary’s contact details.
Some organisations seem exceptionally casual at best in conforming to some of these rules.
Delegates must be LP members of the CLP and members of the affiliating entity (or full time employees).
A CLP has the duty to ensure the affiliation is valid, and thus it needs to have the branch name(s), the branch secretary’s contact details, the delegate names and the date of the meeting at which the delegates were appointed/elected.
CLPs should adopt rules that any money sent by Unions or Socialist Societies not accompanied by valid affiliation documentation is to be treated as a donation.
You may find that some members of LP regional staff will have some difficulty with the views expressed here.
I am considering whether a CLP should reject affiliations where no delegates are nominated. In the case of new affiliations, this can be an attempt to break the rule Ch 7.IX.1.C which places a 60 day deadline on the affiliation of new affiliates, as the delegate nominations may be made after the deadline. In other cases, there is no other proof that the branch affiliating actually has any members living in the constituency.
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