The Guardian led yesterday, with a story about itself, How the Metropolitan Police are planning to use the Official Secrets Act to force the Guardian journalists that broke the story about the hacking of ‘Milly Dowler’ phone to reveal their sources. Geoffry Roberston, one of Britain’s leading Human Rights Lawyers writes in the Guardian, why an injunction under even this bad law, it has no public interest defence, should fail, and will be overturned on appeal, if not before, at the European Court. He concludes with the statement that the results of this prosecution,
an ironic tribute to the stupidity of Scotland Yard – a police service that fails to investigate criminal hackers but puts in jail the journalists who exposed them.
He acknowledges that the Attorney General may be unable to act, and the Met. may be able to ignore the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions, but I think we should know what the Mayor of London and Deputy Mayor with responsibility for Policing have to say. After all, its Londoner’s taxes that will be paying for this.