Rendering RSS on my blog or wiki

I have for a long time sought to present rss feeds within pages on this blog. It was started by a desire to use my social bookmark service as additional links in some of the reference articles on this wiki. The page was started in Jun 2014. Here my notes, although this page was subject…

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delicious linkrolls

Time to revise this page. It was originally created to document the runes on how to use the delicious provided javascript linkroll generator, it then covered the slow and painful death of the service and my attempts to postpone the inevitable.  In late 2019, I found my backup copy and posted it to the blog,…

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Tagging Engines

While was a fantastic social bookmarking site, its not easy to implement inside a firewall, which needs to be done if the URL list to be tagged is an intranet resource. delicious wqas closed in 2017. Open Source alternatives Here’s some alternatives, Scuttle, Akarru and even Slynkr which needed Sun’s Glassfish. Slynkr died in…

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