I am writing an article on Data Protection and cross border controls. These articles were interesting and/or useful.
- EC confirms EU-US Privacy Shield to replace Safe Harbour data-sharing agreement, from Computer Weekly, 2/2/2016
- Privacy Shield: Data Protection Commissioners break out a six-pack, from the Register
- http://www.theregister.co.uk/2016/02/04/schrems_deadlock_hypocrisy_and_politics/ <- from the Register by Andrew Orlowski, quoting Dr Ian Walden, QMC, who argues that US oversight of data [shortly] will be better than
what[that which] some European member states can offer their own citizens. - EU-US data protection agreement must exclude transfers of sensitive data in bulk, says watchdog, from Outlaw
- Laws to give EU citizens right of redress in the US over data handling move closer, from Outlaw
- Deal on EU-US Privacy Shield leads EU watchdogs to extend moratorium on data transfers enforcement action, from Outlaw
- Last gasp Safe Harbour “political deal” struck between Europe and US, from Ars Technica