On the 4th July 2024, the UK held a general election. Here are my notes and links …

I celebrated/recorded the results in a blog article called “Labour Landslide“. See also, my diigo list tagged 2024, which includes some articles about the French election.

On the Politics

  1. What yougov has to say, “How Britain voted in the 2024 General Election“; I made a page specifically for the #sankey diagram.
  2. The politico.eu UK Polls page, shows a remarkable drop in Labour’s popularity during the campaign from 45% to 34%
  3. The House of Commons Library results page, and that of the BBC. Also the wikipedia page on the GE 2024.
  4. Announcing the Government and the FT’s comments on the unexpected appointments and demotions.


  1. Labour’s Manifesto (HTML) or local (.pdf)
  2. The Green Party Manifesto (their web download page), or my mirror.

On Money

  1. Labour Party raises 15 times more than Tories in donations during second week of campaign from Sky News

More on my bookmarks

Here are the 20 most recent diigo bookmarks …

Dave Politics ,

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