Hybrid Meetings

As June 21st approaches, a whole bunch of people are looking at how to run Hybrid Meetings. This is not easy with consumer technology i.e. laptops, neither the mic. nor the camera’s are likely to be good enough. One will thus be reliant on the venue’s AV facilities. Here are my notes on the tech…

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Remote Conferencing

The “crisis” has made me review my remote communication tools, I started with Hangouts, but need to check them all; here are my notes on the others. I look at Skype, IRC, ICQ, Jabber, Teams, Netflix, Zoom and Voice only! 

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Google Hangouts

Oh for 2nd Brain? Given the Health Crisis and social distancing, I am looking up how to use Google Hangouts despite the longevity risks upon it’s head, or see this about its future. Here as ever are my notes. … 

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