This was written in 2019; when I looked at this in 2023, Youtube had created a clip function, which allows this to be done much more easily. I have amended the page; I wanted to cut some speeches out of a Youtube Video of Conference, I missed the opportunity to do so for the GMB Congress ’19 report, but I really need to do this for #lab19 . I added some comments on autoplay/lopping in May 2020. I wonder, Does this work? Check overleaf to see …
Using the clip function
Create and share a Clip
- Sign in to YouTube.
- Go to a video you want to clip.
- Select Menu Clip .
- Add a title for your Clip (max 140 characters).
- Select the section of the video you’d like to clip. …
- Choose an option for sharing the clip:
See also google support‘s page
What I used to do
Get the Embed code, add a ?start=xxx&end=xxx to the generated code, paste it into your host page, ta da!
If using an <iframe> tag, them the parameters are appended to the src
parameter generated by youtube.
Here’s Simon Hannah at #lab19
And autolooping
I tried to make a video auto loop but couldn’t find the runes, maybe it’s a wordpress thing, although I tried to do it withhut the autoplay parameter.
It is recommended that one appends
?autoplay=1&loop=1&playlist=${the youtube code of the video}?
to the src argument in the <iframe> tag.
Image Credit: Ian Collins flickr CC 2009 BY-ND
I added some comments on autoplay/lopping in May 2020. This post is now about YouTube embedded arguments, not just trimming.
Google have now made ‘clip’ function, I have amended the page to reflect this feature.