While researching issues surrounding the Ovcerseas Operations Bill, I did some reading on UK War Pensions, where there seems to have been a failure meet promises. Here are my notes …

  1. Commons library briefing on pensions – https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn00568/, this looks at the change in the rules to allow all people in receipt of a War Widow(er)s’ Pension in April 2015 to keep it for life (regardless of remarriage or cohabitation) and at the campaign for reinstatement of pensions already surrendered.
  2. War widows association FAQs here re the pension as compensation rather than an occupational pension – https://www.warwidows.org.uk/faq/
  3. Smith is a case on suing for compensation – Smith and others (FC) (Appellants) v The Ministry of Defence (Respondent) they need to prove negligence by the MoD.
  4. The consultation documents re compensation explain the position, direct link here – https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/919730/20161128-Consultation_document_death_and_injury_compensation_scheme.pdf
Dave Politics , , ,

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