Today, privacy campaigners have been circulating tweets about Brittany Kaiser’s document dump proving that Cambridge Analytics and AIG were working as a single entity. This would seem somewhat contrary to what the police and the ICO have been able to find. There’s more to find here and when I find it, I’ll post the stories here.
Here’s byline times;
Cambridge Analytica documents dumped online last night prove the data hacker’s involvement with both the Leave EU & official Vote Leave campaigns, as well as further evidence of connection between Bannon, Farage & Aaron Banks - killing the theory it didn’t intervene in Brexit.
— Byline TV (@BylineTV) October 17, 2020
Here’s the ICO, two years ago, “Investigation into the use of data analyticsin political campaigns“.
Now I need the story about the ICO giving up as there’s nothing to find. Is this, in the Observer, what I am looking for?