Now I have one of those pretty quote decorations in my quotes on this wiki. This post is deprecated. It should have been marked so when I adopted Nulis. You can read what I said in 2013 by using the Read More button. …
- The decoration is an image.
- I used mspaint to capture a large quote mark. I used Engravers MT.
- I then used to rotate and flip it, crop it, and then make the white background transparent. As advised in the forums, I used the magic want tool, capture the background and then “cut” it out. The file needs to be a transparency supporting format for this to work.
- I uploaded the file to my web server.
- I then used the WordPress CSS editor to add the following code,
.entry blockquote { background: #EEE url("") no-repeat; }
As you can see, the background rule takes two arguments, a base colour and the image, the rune required is the no-repeat key word. It also benefits from the definition of some padding rules. In my case,
padding-left: 16px; padding-top: 16px;
and now onto fixing the code tag.
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