My current theme for the blog is not so good when the included text is not as deep as the featured picture. While not having a featured picture is OK for a screen based reader, it’s not so good for those using the wptouch interface. Maybe it’s not so good for deep pictures either. I no longer use zbench and while this post remains useful for some themes, I have marked it deprecated.
A google search brings up the codex and these two, similarly named links, together with the codex pages,
- how to add featured image or post thumbnails in wordpress at wpbeginner
- how to add featured image thumbnails to your wordpress theme at
With zbench the image and entry text are contained in a single <DIV> with a class name of “entry”. The text is contained in a <P> tag. The image class is “attachment-extra-featured-image wp-post-image”.
- Would it look better within a table? This would need to be developed in index & archive pages
- Should I use the thumbnail feature?
- Can I use the CSS? NB The <P> does not have a class name.
The deep pictures would be solved by by the thumbnail features.
Maybe I should consider the HTML recognition within the excerpt functions.
Also the facebook feed does not use the featured picture, but finds the first picture within the post, maybe even the post page since it often uses the up arrow on the vote this up widget.