Look what happens when one’s not concentrating, the UN promulgated a global compact on migration, which passed overwhelmingly and then caused a backlash in the political classes in Europe. Here are my notes and links …
Immigration consists of workers, re-uniting families, refugees and in some jurisdictions, students.
- Global compact for migration at the UN site
- Opposition To The Global Compact For Migration Is Just Sound And Fury by Frey Lindsay at Forbes
- The Global Compact for Migration from wikipedia, doesn’t say so much but it has a bunch of references.
- European states reject divisive UN compact on migration from the FT (£), also the FT stream tagged “EU immigration”.
However, the EU have a treaty,
- https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/promoting-our-european-way-life/new-pact-migration-and-asylum_en
- https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_20_1706
- https://eu.rescue.org/eu-pact
This will be overtaken by the response to the Ukraine War.
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