Here is my #lab 24 page. Conference is to be in Liverpool again.
Conference Documents
These are to be published on Labour’s web site, I shall try to mirror them here.
- Delegates Report
- How Conference works
- NEC Annual Report and Finance Report, see also Esther’s view on what it says.
- CAC Report 1 and Addendum for Sunday
- CAC Report 2 and Addendum for Monday
- CAC Report 3 for Tuesday
- CAC Report 4 for Wednesday
From CAC2, the maximum card vote cast by the CLPs was 249,038, from the finance report, the membership as at 31/12/2024 was 370,450, making an attendance of 67% as in 67% of the membership were seen to be represented at Conference. This is lower, but only just, than 2022, which is the last time I did this calculation.
Yellow Pages
- Yellow Pages for Women’s Conference
- Conference Yellow Pages, Sunday
- Monday, Yellow Pages
- Tuesday, Yellow Pages
- Wednesday, Yellow Pages.
Labour Left Internationalists
- Labour Left Internationalist Conference Bulletin, this is a mirror, the original is on their site, together with advocacy and reviews.
Labour Campaign for Free Movement
The LCFM had a very strong conference leading in the end to the Labour to Win motion on “Border Security Command” being withdrawn.
- They proposed a motion, which one CLP put through although the CAC ruled it out of order on the grounds it covered more than one issues; possibly that refugees and workers coming in is one topic and letting them in with dignity is another. The delegate appealed to the CAC and then moved reference back to the CAC report. These both failed.
- LCFM organised a protest at Labour conference and a fringe meeting.
- They called for a vote against the surviving Border Security Command motion, they published a leaflet, and the motion was eventually withdrawn, and announced as such from the Chair.