Storify is going, how am i going to rescue this content. Target should be wordpress. This is going to be fun. Not! Here are my notes.

Their FAQ EOL documents the various EOL points and their support desk email which may help; they are offering a costed upgrade to Storify II, although I don’t know how much that would cost and whether my content would stay available.


They offer per article HTML, XML, or JSON. Alternatively the RSS feed can be used as an import source, although they have a number choke, it would seem.


The CSS implementations are left behind and they over use lists. This would require augmentation.


This will need an xslt transformation and possibly the code embed problem would remain.


Not so good, all the resources stay in Storify. I used a plugin RSS Post Importer to import them all though. It needs code embed and this the code lines need copying into custom fields. It also uses the storify css claseses. Even after a lot of manual tweaking, I am still only half way their on one article. This isn’t going to be good.


This talks of .pdf’s can’t see how that’d be useful, and can’t find the button on my storify page.


I found this on importing from Storify, but it all leaves the content on their servers.

HTML Again

Chelsea from Storify writes,

…  The options provided, HTML, XML, or JSON, are the only formats we are able to provide for your exports and we apologize for any inconvenience that may cause.

Re-embedding your story on your site is a bit of a complicated task, but using just the HTML file provided, is certainly not impossible.

With a regular embed from Storify, the code block you use to embed Storify onto your site is referencing a few important files that live on Storify’s servers. Since our Storify servers will be shutting down in May, if you still wish to keep your stories embedded, you’ll need to utilize those files to keep your story embed working.

When you export your story following the steps in our FAQ, you’ll notice that in addition to the HTM/HTML file containing your story, there’s an accompanying folder that contains all kinds of files. Those are the aforementioned files that are required for your story to display properly. Unfortunately, there is no way to package all of this content into one easy file.

This means that in order to upload your story, you’ll need to host those files on your site, in addition to copy+pasting the HTML onto it.

Unfortunately, because of this limitation, it will not be possible to embed stories in this way unless you have access to the file structure of your site/blog — uploading to a Google Site or Tumblr, for example, is not possible.

For those that do have access to upload files to their sites, the process would look something like this:

  1. Export the story using the step-by-step instructions in our FAQ:
  2. Upload both the HTML document and the file folder, intact, to your web server (making sure to keep them stored together, just as they were downloaded)
  3. On the page where you’d like your story to be embedded, insert an iframe element to embed the HTML document, like so:
<iframe src="FILE_PATH/STORIFY_HTML_EXPORT.htm"></iframe>

One Comment

  1. The storify resource files are in, and there is an index. I have recreated the index on the “And elsewhere” page and marked those have migrated with a tick.

    They are this not contained within the wordpress database and a specific solution will have to be crafted when I migrate this blog to its new home.

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