Labour’s turning point?

Over the second half of September, a couple of things happened with respect to the Labour Party’s position on relations with the EU. I want to write something punchy, and made this page to collect my sources and shape m thoughts. This may not be easy to read because it as yet has no narrative….

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Interest, debt & housing prices

I came across the video from the i linked to below and wondered how much the assertion that the UK has never had such a malign nexus, oh high inflation, high interest rates and high consumer debt. I was shocked at the Schroders report that the price to income ratio is now nine i.e. a…

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My solar charged power bank

I bought one of these a coujple of years ago and have always felt its recharge speed when using the solar panel was so slow as to make me question if it worked. I am going away and so checked on what people thought. Here are my notes and links. …

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About the Eurofighter, and its future

What’s happening to the Eurofighter Typhoon? Do we need a replacement, and who’s going to build it? In this article, What does the future hold for Eurofighter Typhoon?, Air Force Technology suggest that it’s design is old, and that the older versions are being retired; they argue that the Tempest programme is an upgrade programme…

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Running WordPress

I am having a problem with my web hosting solution. The CMS is wordpress; I installed W3 Total Cache which is too hungry for file descriptors given my disk space is subject to a quota. How can I solve this? If I can. Here some notes and links, …

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America’s Cup 2023-24

The timeline and venue’s have been announced, they have also have a web site; Team Inneos, the UK boat is the challenger of record.

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Ralph Miliband

I decided to look at his writing, and have started Parliamentary Socialism, but I was pointed at at an article he wrote in the run up to the 1964 election, called “If Labour wins”, republished in the New Left Review. This led me to write a blog article, which required me to look at some…

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Germany and debt fetishism

The stability and growth pact (SGP) is the EU’s public debt management rules and embedded in a separate treaty to the T[F]EU treaties. I have commented on these treaties elsewhere on this wiki. Elsewhere in several articles, on the blog, I criticise the SGP on my blog, including here, here, and here. My main criticism…

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Labour’s Programme 2023

Labour 2023, National Policy Forum by rule responsible for proposing a programme to Conference took place behind closed doors. TL:DR, the leadership got what they wanted, “there’s no money” and it seems f’all compassion and solidarity. They obviously learnt from their own ambush of Ed Miliband in 2014. This meeting was “behind closed doors” and…

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Another Test, this time activitypub

This was made after re-renabling Activity Pub. Does it work? It seems not to like the fact I am running the wiki in a subdirectory. There may of course be other reasons, but I don’t have the time to make this work properly.

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Social Media, campaigning and fake news

One of the reports about the Uxbridge and S Ruislip by-election concentrates on the way in which anti ULEZ propaganda was circulated on Twitter. The report was posted on Twitter by Valent Projects, who claimed to be a consultancy specialising in combating fake news with a preference for working with progressive causes. They might seem…

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