On CoFoE

Over the last 18 months I have working with CTOE, their focus has been on using the Conference on the Future of Europe to further democratic reform of the EU. CTOE has been influenced and supports the work of direct democracy campaigners. I made this page at the end of 2022 to expose some of…

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About Ursula von der Leyen

Ursula von der Leyen, became the 1st woman President of the EU’s college of commissioners on 1st Dec 2019. Her appointment was controversial because she was not one of the spitzencanditaten. The record of her commission is documented on wikipedia. I became interested in this when trying to understand how and why the CoFoE was…

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COFOE, Panel 2 recommendations

I am tracking the CoFoE and the Citizens Panel 2 on Democracy and the Rule of Law has just reported, making 39 recommendations. Why are names of EU bodies always so long? Here are my notes on these recommendations. …

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