Over the last 18 months I have working with CTOE, their focus has been on using the Conference on the Future of Europe to further democratic reform of the EU. CTOE has been influenced and supports the work of direct democracy campaigners. I made this page at the end of 2022 to expose some of the links and thoughts I have collected.


  1. A Commission document on the Citizen panels for the future conference on Europe, and the Conference home page.
  2. The CoFoE page on Citizens’ Panels
  3. The permalink for the CoFoE outcome.

The founding of the Conference was controversial and political, the following documents, tell (part of ) the story. Managed Expectations: EU Member States’ Views on the Conference on the Future of Europe, Minna Ålander, Nicolai von Ondarza, Sophia Russack (eds) and The Conference on the Future of Europe, Obstacles and Opportunities to a European Reform Initiative That Goes beyond Crisis Management by Nicolai von Ondarza and Minna Ålander, both of Stiftung Wissenschaft & Politik in Berlin. I found this EP link on the founding of the CoFoE.

See also

  1. Conference on the Future of Europe: Vehicle for reform versus forum for reflection? – from breugal.org
  2. Conference on the Future of Europe: Engaging with citizens to build a more resilient Europe a press release for the CoFoE
  3. Shadowing the Citizens Panels – ECAs Role Play / Roundtable debate for 27 Oct 2021
  4. A proposal on European Citizenship
  5. A white paper review of Citizen’s Juries which seem to be very popular as a proposal.

I also made this page entitle About-ursula-von-der-leyen/ which currently majors on the founding of the Conference. I have written a bunch of blog article tagged as COFOE.

This is the permalink for the CoFoE outcome, and their plenary page which holds number of other documents. A consilium page on the followup.

On the Treaties

I have read and written about the Treaties, the treaty words on changing the Treaty Article 48 of the TEU, on changing the treatyand my thoughts on the treaties, called Subsidiarity and proportionality, but it grew beyond the title.

Citizen’s Assemblies

I moved these notes to How to make an EU citizens assembly  on this wiki.

Committee of Regions

Does this require some help to do more? It has a page on Europa, which says, it is composed of “elected representatives serving in local or regional authorities. Each country nominates members of its choice who are appointed for renewable five-year terms by the Council of the EU.” It is defined within the TEU. I believe that the EU is a long way from wanting to fight the member states on devolution and intra-state secession,

I developed some words, which are now in the comment dated 15th Dec 2021 and transferred much of what I said to a comment dated 7th Feb 2022.

Citizen’s assemblies

  1. Evidence, more a manifesto from the European movement, in support of proposal 57157 171
  2. https://europeancitizensassembly.eu/, a Manifesto for a European Citizens’ Assembly; they say, “we are asking for the creation of a permanent transnational forum for deliberation and citizens’ participation: a European Citizens’ Assembly. In response to the Joint Declaration, we want the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe to lay the groundwork for such a forum and to commit to designing a high quality, inclusive deliberative process with consistent follow-up action.” They don’t address the its potential contention with the European Parliament.
  3. https://eusignday.eu/our-proposals/, a proposal to popularise the citizen’s initiatives
  4. Running Citizen’s assemblies, by SFEE


See also these supporting organisations include,

  1. https://www.standupforeurope.org/, they say, “Stand Up for Europe is the leading pro-European citizen’s movement on the web. Combining the bottom-up mobilization and participation with a top-down reflection approach, both mutually reinforcing, we aim to become the first federalist and pan-European Think and Do Tank
  2. https://civic-forum.eu/, they say, The European Civic Forum (ECF) is a pan-European network of over 110 associations and NGOs across 29 European countries: big federations of associations deeply rooted in local constituencies, national platforms of NGOs uniting hundreds of thousands of NGOs, human rights advocacy, and campaigning organisations, but also smaller groups working at community level or engaging with the public on local issues.
  3. The home page of the European Republic.


European Federalists

  1. https://www.federalists.eu/ and their log on COFOE I had not heard of them before, they would seem to be irrelevant in the UK.

European Socialists

And for me the Labour/Socialist pan-European orgs,

  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glyn_Ford
  2. https://www.feps-europe.eu/
  3. https://activists.pes.eu/
  4. https://www.labourmovementforeurope.uk/about
  5. Richard Corbett’s position paper., for FEPS, dealing with the Veto, Full European and national parliamentary scrutiny of  legislation, Citizens’ initiatives, Elections and appointments, Transnational lists in a pan-EU constituency, Other ways of improving European elections,
  6. and a section called Simplifying. Maybe I should write a reply.
Dave Politics , , ,

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