Prof. Michael Bernstein

I have been attempting to finish an article I started five years ago and hoped that reviews of David Warsh’s Knowledge and Wealth of Nations might help me avoid re-reading it. One of the reviews I came across was by Prof. Michael A Bernstein. Here are my notes.

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Value Gap

I need to write a blog on the RIAA’s concept of the “Value Gap”. WTF? This is defined as the lost value to the author/publishers of music and other content.  It’s proponents argue that copyright is meant to appropriate this value. Anyway, here are some links!

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Stability & Growth Pact

I originally made this page in 2018, to collect my notes on the single market and the stability and growth pact. The pandemic blew the EU of course on this with most of the economies of the EU missing their macro economic goals; the Stability & Growth Pact commits its signatories to keeping to an annual…

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Fragment on machines

I think I’ll try and get to grip with this, but Marx is very hard read. I am also particularly interested in his views on General Intellect, it seems he agrees that software should be free, but then he also thought that workers should run the state. The fragment on machines is part of the…

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Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party in 2015 and published an economic manifesto called the “The Economy in 2020”. This disappeared from Jeremy’s site at some point. Richard Murphy pointed me at the wayback machine copy, and I have also posted it to this site as a mirror.

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Modern Monetary Theory

I wrote about this on my blog, in an article called Modern Monetary Theory and returned to it over the last couple of hours. While I attributed it to Bill Mitchell, the papers I quoted and subsequent google searches point to L. Randall Wray and others. Wray’s book, Understanding Modern Money: The Key to Full Employment…

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UK Immigration

I was thinking about the Brexit vote and the way that Immigration came to dominate the debate; there were a couple of factually based articles which examined the numbers, and some economic analysis which argues that like a deficit, immigration is a good thing. Anyway, despite the fact that evidence is of no use in…

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Banking Regulation Reform

I was pushed to look at some of the Banking Regulation reform performed by the last government. My focus was to look at the Vickers aka Independent Commission on Banking and the legislative response. The key proposal is practical measures to protect domestic savings from foreign risk by de-merging or separating the retail and investment…

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Estimation Errors

Is there any theory that talks to human optimism or pessimism when making estimates in the context of contracts. I have worked with project managers who when estimating effort & duration look to counter the uplift applied by people who think they’re going to have to do what they’re estimating and will be treated more…

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On Copyright

As a result of the EP’s LIBE committee report on the EU Copyright Regulation, in Feb 2015, I built a Storify page and propose to write a blog article. This page captures some of the resources I used to write it. They come from my blog, the IP Kat,, torrentfreak and flickr, where martin…

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Energy Economics

I wrote and posted on my blog, “Is  IT a utility?“, it’s unfinished and there’s some dubious stats and treatment and so I have created this supporting article.

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UK Budget 2014 (deprecated)

This was an article about sources; conclusions and polemic are on the linked blog articles, see below/overleaf. The sources were documented in delicious and are now no longer available.

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