
Glassfish was Sun’s open source application server. This was written in 2009 and at some point Sun/Oracle shit canned it. These notes are no longer worthwhile and I have marked the article as deprecated. If you want to see what I said, then you can read more …

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I looked at traveling through Alicante on the way to Valencia. There was very little flight flexibility, and the trains from Valencia started late on the Sunday, although an overnight stop might have been fun. Minutes after booking a trip via Barcelona, I had the, now gone, site pointed out there are three flights a…

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A city I know well so maybe I should share some stuff with you. The page was probably created as something my then US colleagues at Sun might refer to, but its been a while since I worked there. On this page, I have a google map of my places in the ‘City’ and West…

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Installing Laconica

This was published in 2009, the product has been superseded and the version dependent facts are over eight years old. This may not be as useful as it once was; the article talks about installing Laconica on an Ubuntu VM. 

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Games, a blog ominbus

I originally referred to this as Nicopolis. Some games I thought I might play in 2009. Capitalism II See Wikipedia, Google and this fan site, called Capitalism Agglomerate. Its suggested to be the hardest game ever published, but is a serious business simulation. Republic, the Revolution Overthrow the communist state, I wrote about it on…

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Small screen HTML runes

Optimising HTML for small screens I have been interested in optimising HTML for small screens and/or using CSS as the vehicle. This has been driven by my personal publication properties and started at Sun with the then Sun Blog. I marked it as deprecated in 2020.

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Audio on the Dell

This documented an intermittent error on my Dell Dimension and WXP. Dated in 2009, now deprecated. Microphone I tried to use the microphone to make video’s on the Dell and the sound track is inaudible. Sound Recorder also creats inaudible tracks. I have tried to discover how to audit the sound drivers. There is a…

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