
It promised a social network where writers were paid for content in a crypto currency, it wasn’t to be. Was its failure baked into its conception, or did it do what its creators wanted i.e. make them rich? Here are my notes …

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Flying Cars and the future techno economy

I have been influenced by David Graeber’s article/essay, “Of Flying Cars and the declining rate of profit”, which I need to read again. I posted, in 2017, a storify thing, after reading it which contains a bunch of notes from it and other references related to the political economy issues that he raises. The post…

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Labour Market, 1945-55

Various things have led me to consider the post-war “return to normality”. It started with the ideological establishment of the cold war, and the portrayal of the Soviet Union as new enemy against the experience of much of the demobilising military. I consider the recommencement of strikes, the re-establishment of deference, like Lee, the establishment …

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Forever Minus a Day

This article constitutes my notes on Rufus Pollock’s Paper, “FOREVER MINUS A DAY? SOME THEORY AND EMPIRICS OF OPTIMAL COPYRIGHT”, August 7th, 2007. 

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New Labour’s Regional Policy

Part of the argument about the election results has become whether Corbyn’s Labour should have pitched itself more profoundly against 40 years of Thatcherism. I have my own critiques of the New Labour governments, but I hadn’t seen a failed Regional Policy as one of them. Here are my notes. …

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Growth and Income

I was having another look at the macro-economics of the country. I was looking at growth (δY) and income distribution ( 1 -L(Y) ). I have built some growth charts but have run out time for the moment on income distribution, partly because the stats aren’t saying what I’d hoped. Perhaps ONS don’t measure this…

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International Trade and MMT

I have now re-read Chapter 8 of Reclaiming the State and this is what I think they say on International Trade, I plan to simplify it further. I have tried not to insert the anti-arguments, but I am not sure that I agree that “Sudden Stops” can only happen to poor countries. Also if the…

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About MMT

Some left economists have started to critique MMT, I have written a recent blog article but like the rabbit hole to Wonderland, there’s always more. Here are my notes.

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BBC Funding

I have taken an interest in the BBC’s financial balance of trade on Intellectual Property. Their annual report can be found here … while the National Audit Office undertook a landscape review on their commercial services.  The annual report is a typical haven’t we done well and getting the answers to the questions I am…

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Sun CTO Greg Papadoupolos, in the late noughties posited that the growth in IT spend was going to come from those applications  (or installations) that would grow faster than Moore’s Law and that this growth had significant implications for systems designers. 

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Prof. Michael Bernstein

I have been attempting to finish an article I started five years ago and hoped that reviews of David Warsh’s Knowledge and Wealth of Nations might help me avoid re-reading it. One of the reviews I came across was by Prof. Michael A Bernstein. Here are my notes.

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Value Gap

I need to write a blog on the RIAA’s concept of the “Value Gap”. WTF? This is defined as the lost value to the author/publishers of music and other content.  It’s proponents argue that copyright is meant to appropriate this value. Anyway, here are some links!

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