Here are my notes on WordPress Child Themes. I made one for zbench and am now working with Nulis. The key wordpress codex page is here…. It documents how to create a child theme. The technique for defining inheritance has changed between the time when I made for the zbench child theme and today, when I first started to try to customise nulis. The new technique requires a function.php file in the child theme folder which has code to control the order in which the parent and child files, including the CSS are loaded.

I ran a google query with the keywords “wordpress child themes”.

Hongkiat have an article on developing with child themes.

I returned to this in Feb ’02 when I needed to perform significant surgery on the simple theme. Here are some links I found useful.


3 Replies

  1. I created the two files, and when I tried to login using a different system I got the following errors. in functions.php, I enclosed the php with a close tag.

    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /homepages/19/d106342642/htdocs/wiki/wp-content/themes/child-nulis/functions.php:9) in /homepages/19/d106342642/htdocs/wiki/wp-login.php on line 424

    This article in the codex explains the problem is the php close tag. The functions.php does not require it.

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