I need another Red Hat look alike and chose Fedora. My target is Virtual Box on Windows 8.1.
So remember,
- Install from Live CD, reboot
- yum install dkms binutils gcc make patch libgomp glibc-headers glibc-devel kernel-headers kernel-devel
- yum update
- reboot
- install guest additions, if that fails
set & export KERN_DIR, for Fedora it’ll be in /usr/src/kernel, check that the source agrees with the running kernel version usingls /usr/src/kernel
&uname -a
and run it from the command line
I found this page at forums.virtual.box and this page at ‘if not true then false’, which talks about what to do in the case that the Kernel Source can’t be found. (see the comments about the KERN_DIR environment variable above).
Ubuntu now offers the Virtual Guest additions as a package, and page at the fedora project the fedora project suggests that this is available for Fedora, even if one has to add the rpmfusion repo to the sources.list. Managing Yum Repositories from the Sysadmin documentation describes how to add and enable repos to Fedora.