At this conference the LP made the documents much more easily available, and I was not a delegate, but they may remove the documents and I think I’d like my history to remain complete. Here is my document repo. …

There are bookmarks for yellow pages, the livestream links and the NEC Division 1 (Trade Union) election results.

Here’s the basics,

  1. Delegates Report
  2. How Conference works?
  3. NEC report inc Finances
  4. NPF Report

And here are the CAC reports

  1. CAC 1 – available for Saturday 25th, includes the constitutional amendments.
  2. CAC 1 – Addendum, the motions.
  3. CAC 2 – Composites on GND, Community Wealth Building, High Street and Business Recovery, Public Ownership and Housing and the second tranche of NEC rule changes inc. those related to EHRC compliance.
  4. CAC 3 – Israel & Palestine, Afghanistan, post pandemic recovery, fire and rehire, mineworkers pension fund and electoral reform
  5. CAC 4 – inc. Right to Food, NHS & Social Care, Public Services, Mental Health, LGBT+ Rights, Immigration and Asylum, Miners pension again, BLM, Violence against Woman & Girls inc. an EM.
  6. CAC 5 – yesterday’s results, presumably no votes today

Here is the Record of Decisions, on the Party site, and mirrored by me.

The Party have all this in one place, which is nice, but goodness knows how long it takes to get up there.

From the NEC report, As at 31 December 2020 the total individual membership of the Party was 523,332 (2019: 532,046).

Here are the Yellow Pages; Saturday , Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday; enjoy!

My 2019 repo is here!

Livestreams (Video)

In order to write up my conference experience, I need to look at these youtube web pages,

  1. The Hunt for the NEC Report, how they got away without voting on the NEC report.
  2. Day 5, Wednesday inc. getting GE ready and Starmer’s Speech
  3. Day 4 , Tuesday which includes Ben’s point of order and Immigration and Asylum debate
  4. Day 3, Monday inc. electoral reform, here …
  5. Day 2, Sunday, inc. the EHRC debate
  6. Day 1, Saturday, the Financial Report


The Baker’s lost their seat to the Musician’s Union, which is good for a pro-EU position, but not so good for the left right balance of forces.

Here’s a snip from CAC 3,

Dave Politics , ,

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