This snip originally collected some resources aimed at helping people take their characters through to level 40. It was re-written in 2007 in what was an unsuccessful attempt to re-ignite my interest in the game. It failed and I left it alone for a number of years, I had another look when I started NWN2. The links have degraded over time, firstly with bioware hack and so are no longer easily available , but later the Epic Guild site went away too. The Epic Guilds recreated themselves at a new site,
I need to rescue the links below, and what follows is the original content, now at least 7 years old. Dave July 2013
Class builds in NWN
This can be quite tricky, especially if you don’t know the rules. The game manual seems a bit light on stuff.
I have written about my Paladin/Fighter and the advice I found at elsewhere at this site.
I discovered a thread about an Elven Sorcerer/Paladin in the Bioware forums.
Epic Character Builds
One of the guilds at is called Epic Character Builders where people publish their builds.
- The Guild Home Page is there and so is a build index, and a search engine.
The have a couple of builds that make me curious, firstly some Bards
- The Slashing Singer a Bard (16)/Fighter (14) and Shadowdancer (10), I made a text version of this, not sure of my source -> Slashing Singer … .pdf .
- The Eversinging Dragonbard, a Bard (20) /Fighter (10) /RDD (10).
- The Sling Blade a Fighting Bard with a song by TyrTemplar, a Bard(21) /Fighter(4) /COT(15)
- The Cursed Minstrel, a Bard (21)/Shifter (10)/Druid (9), it seems I made a text version of this, not sure of my source. -> The Cursed Minstrel …. .pdf.
- The original Court Jester, Rogue (16), Bard (11), Arcane Trickster (2), Shadowdancer (1)
- The Court Jester V2, Bard (16), Arcane Trickster (8), Rogue (3), Swashbuckler (3)
and then a Paladin
- The Holy Avenger , a 40 level pure Paladin.
There are a number of bioware forum pages which disappeared years ago. I have never repaired the links. I have unlinked the bioware links and deleted some text that referred to the site.
Many of the builds were migrated to
I found personal archives of the Slashing Singer and the Cursed Minstrel and posted them here today; I also update the tenses of the first paragraph. The epic guild links need to be updated and the bioware links removed.
I added the picture of my “Under the Cobbles” party today.