About keyboards

About keyboards, been buying laptops recently but i have a bluetooth keyboard for my tablet and am considering getting a new phone and a smaller one might be cool.

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Britain & sick pay

While considering motions to go to GMB’s National Congress, I and my comrades considered sick leave and sick pay. Some of the saddest stories I have from my time acting as an accompanying rep come from people who have been long term sick and thus suffered a serious decrement in their income.

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Enshittification and Apple

This is a note, I might convert it into an essay. What’s the difference, I write the notes for me, I write essays for at least one other person. I am not sure this is finished, but as it stands, a bit of Corey Doctorow, and a bit of me. Corey Doctorow has turned his…

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London, Sadiq Khan & Brexit

Sadiq Kahn, the Mayor of London commissioned and released a report on the impact of Brexit on London. conducted by Cambridge Econometrics. This report was discussed at the London Assembly Economy Committee; I am trying to get the minutes or better the video recording. The Mayor issued a press release, on the report, entitled, New…

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Economic Statistics

I found a couple of sources while researching some recent articles. Here are some links and comments. These articles are ‘coming soon’, and we all know what that means …

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A gaming laptop

Shall I get a gaming laptop? Yes, I know I want to and my experience of playing BG3 on my working machine, was poor.

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Down the rabbit hole

I am not sure where this started but I have known about Professor Danny Dorling‘s work for a number of years. He has written a book and authored a white paper called variously Shattered Nation or Shattered Britain. I watched the launch of AEIP’s joint report which he authored, “Brexit: A failed project in a…

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Booze, weights and measures

The government have been consulting on weights and measures; to their chagrin the vast majority of those consulted want to keep grams and metres but they have decided to allow wine to be sold in pints, a measure enjoyed by Churchill.

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Creative Industries & Trade

I have looked at whether the UK’s creative industries are net contributors to the nation’s wealth i.e. Do we import more than we export? The music industry on the BBC are both very proud of their export data, but discovering important facts is much more difficult. Here are my notes and links, …

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Some suggested I visit Cadiz during the winter. Here are my noted and links.

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Capitalism Divided

I am reading this, by Geoffrey Ingham and making some notes. At the moment, i.e. where I am in the book, he is examinimg why the British state is not acting as the executive committee of the [industrial] bourgoisie. As ever, here below or overleaf are my links and notes …

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Kier Starmer and Resolution Foundation

At the launch of the Resolution Foundation’s report, “Ending Stagnation”, [Press Release], they had a bunch of speakers, including Sir Kier Starmer, Labour’s Leader, whose speech is posted at Labour List. It seems Hunt was also there. Here are some notes and links …

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Von der Leyen again

Ursula von der Leyen made a speech in which she said the EU had goofed up over Brexit. I have a number of articles collected in response to this speech, which I will add to this page at a later stage. But today I have reproduced an article entitled “Goofy” from EuroIntelligence, because it is…

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