Python & remote pages

I did some more coding, this time to try and capture my ello feed. I have the string manipulation under control, mostly but in some cases, I wanted to look up data from another remote page. I looked at urllib and requests, but ello prohibit automated scraping; we’ll see if I solve it through browser…

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text to voice

Is this yet consumer ready? I am interested in using this for my blog/wiki. I found a 16 best of … article, how did that go? I made a google query to find more. Otherwise, here are some links and notes …

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What about the Euro?

Should we campaign to rejoin the Euro? In my blog article, Say no to extrawürst, I look at Niall Ò Conghaile’s arguments on EU re-entry terms and dovetail them with my realisation that the UK’s previous unique deal and its opt-outs are gone. I have felt there is room for a deal on the Euro…

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Miles & More

Miles and More is broken again. I have logged a fault call via their webform. I hear nothing else aprt from the acknowledgement, but four weeks later, I have another go, and it seems to be fixed; I have authorised the use of their “TRAVEL-ID”, which I hope will give me access to their partner…

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One step beyond

Labour have are investigating Neal Lawson for a prohibited act, the reality is no-one is safe. Here are some notes and links….

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Military coups

I comment on the 24 hour Wagner Group demonstration/coup in my article Bonaparte or Kornilov ; Some of what I wrote proved to be wrong, but in asking if Prigozhin was Kornilov or Bonaparte, I was not alone, here’s a showcase with the options.

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Digitising DVD

Right! I want to convert my Babylon 5 collection to digital. Can this be done easily. There are about 40 DVD’s in the collection, so it’ll be a real pain to do. It’ll also take a lot of space, I reckon 188Gb, this is where bittorrent and distributed filesystems would be useful, except that most…

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Progressive Alliance, not so fast

Someone in my feeds raised the question as to whether there was an anti-progressive alliance bias to Labour’s NEC’s approval/prohibition of local government coalitions. I looked to see if Compass had anything on it, but it seems not but I found these two links. …

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World Economic Power

I was thinking about UK defence policy and considering the role of the domestic economy. I was doing this in the light of the GMB’s internal debates on defence manufacturing. These charts are dated 2017 and I believe that Italy and France have both overtaken the UK since then and the measurement in USD will…

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Spain elects 2023

The Spanish are having a general election, it is/was unexpected and called by the Government after the governing coalition lost seriously in regional elections. (An ignored lesson for some maybe).

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