I have thought long and hard about data modelling the person and wondered if SIOC would help. It seems designed for the modelling of blogs and so I am not sure, but here are my notes and links.
- What is SIOC? at webopedia
- What is SIOC? at free dictionary
- Semantically Interlinked Online Communities, at wikipedia
- SIOC: Content Exchange and Semantic Interoperability Between Social Networks, at w3.org
- The SIOC Project
The Wikipedia link seems a good place to start.
This came up during a 2020 search, https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Connections-between-SIOC-FOAF-and-SKOS_fig2_237374974 which comes from a paper, describing the technology behind expertfinder, project.
See Also
- SPARQL on WordPress, on this wiki
- The SKOS project home page
- The Dublin Core home page
I added the text about the Combining RDF Vocabularies for Expert Finding paper today
SIOC is for blogs