This is known as the 1and1 blog. Unlike their canned web site this cannot be be dicked around with. They have a bunch of themes, some of which are pretty cool. This article was created in Jul 2012 and revised in Mar 2019 as most of the material is out of date and much of the supporting documentation has gone away.
You need to create a MySQL database which needed a contract upgrade.
- Create a MySQL Database
- Create a subdomain and destination
- Upload the wp installation to the destination
- Create the database connection parameter file
Now to choose a new theme, and I need to discover how to copy my old blog entries to the new version of WordPress. (See comments.)
PHP Versions
This is a parameter on the 1&1 Control Panel to set the PHP version. I set it to 5.2 on 19th Dec. 2012.
This was removed from the ariticle.
Moving Content from the old Blog
The new blog is at Moving content between wordpress blogs is pretty simple; wordpress has an export and import functions however the 1and1 ‘canned’ blog is pretty old and the exported xml file needed some help. On the advice of 1and1 support, I inserted, immediately after the language property in the channel section, the following line into the XML file