While writing my error warning routines, I was pointed at zenity. Here are my notes …
This might best be read in conjunction with my articles on notify-send and event monitoring. Zenity seems to be part of Gnome.
- https://help.gnome.org/users/zenity/stable/index.html.en and man zenity
- https://www.google.com/search?q=how+to+use+zenity
- https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-display-gui-dialogs-in-bash-script-using-zenity/
- About Zenity from real tech talk, a preview of the command line modes
- https://www.tecmint.com/zenity-creates-graphical-gtk-dialog-boxes-in-command-line-and-shell-scripts/
- https://saurabhkharkate05.medium.com/zenity-command-in-linux-b9e4ef45f2b2
- https://dottech.org/196977/use-zenity-to-make-simple-graphical-shell-scripts-in-linux/, the picture comes from this, and it is a screen capture from a Sun Microsystems system.
I have issues about locating the window on the desktop, auto closing it and customising it. Maybe, I should go back to TCL/TK.