Microsoft Office Templates

With Office 2010, the location of the “My Templates” folder for Excel is managed using Word’s Options dialogue box, and it seems that you can no longer specify a search path, solely one folder. What Microsoft say at!

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Mac OS, about upgrades

I need to upgrade the Mac. The O/S version is getting a bit long in the tooth. I have V10.5, Leopard, I need to get to 10.6 Snow Leopard. Here are my, now deprecated, notes and links.

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Liferay is an open source, free portal server written in Java. 2022 One of the links broke, so I went to their site and checked out the developer page‘ the code is still there. How to They had a Quick Start page which illustrates a 4 step how to get started process. This is the…

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Recoverying W7 admin user

I came across these links when trying to recover a Windows 7 system which had been “upgraded”. This was made in 2013 and marked as deprecated in 2023.  We had lost the one admin user password and a shell had been installed in the Admin user.

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Google Tools and Analytics

I have been tidying up my desktop and web sites, and discovered that Google’s tools consider the subdomains, including this wiki as separate sites. There’s obviously some more work to do for some simple SEO work. Both the sub domains are wordpress sites.

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Always wanted to go. Had to do some research for some travel in June 2013 I’ll fill this out according to me usual template later, or not.

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Labour Party Membership

Decided to try and draw a graph of the Labour Party’s membership over time, not as easy as you might think. Here are some links I found that might help me, Wikipedia, Labour Party #membership Electoral Commission, Party & Election Finance Registers Electoral Commission, Party & Election Finance Search If i get some good data,…

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Housing Costs

Trying to build a time series showing cost of housing as a proportion of income. The facts aren’t easy to  find, and the graphing technique isn’t easy either, given the income distribution range and the geographic income and house pricing diversity. I used a google search on housing costs as a proportion of income trend, which…

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New RSS/XML tools

AS the big boy’s look to enclose our content, the architecture I articulated in Are Blogs losing their influence has been broken, badly. I originally used Friendfeed & mingle as my aggregators but it’s a bit tricky I have documented IFTT  on this wiki and Feedly on my blog, they ahve led me to the following…

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The site, “If this then that” offers trigger actions as a web service. It works with recipes and channels. Recipes are the “if this then that” relationship, and channels define the this and that.

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Social Login

I have just installed  Social Login on this site, some of the authentication services, not surprisingly require a setup process, most of which I have not done. Created in 2013, but not maintained. …

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Open ID

On the 20th April, I installed Social Login on this Wiki. This involved me registering the sites with This points towards open-id, and I have discovered these links, and this, below which talks about how to run an open id server, since I if not you, am losing trust in the big…

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Looking at DNS and the attempt to P2P it. Peter Sunde launched a project, reported at Computer World in an article called “P2P DNS to take on ICANN after US domain seizures”. It seems to have got stuck. This article dated 18 Oct 2011 and called Continuing the Distributed DNS System on Slashdot has some…

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