
I was asked by my sister for advice on building a web e-commerce solution which set me thinking about if I could sell some “merch”. Here are my notes. …

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A British Bill of Rights

The Govt. are finally consulting on the Human Rights Act. The closing date is 8th March 2022 11:59. Here are my notes The first page or two detail the questions from the consultation, you can skip them by clicking here. …

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1st Steps

I have been thinking about Brexit again over the last few days, I issued my personal short term manifesto, and read the British Chamber of Commerce’s puff in the FT. I comment on the one benefit identified so far, Crown logos on pint glasses. Otherwise, here are some notes,

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Rewilding Britain

i wrote a blog article, which was a news piece on the reintroduction of bison to the UK, in Kent of all places. Last week, India Bourke wrote an article in the New Statesman, called “Why rewilding isn’t just for toffs“. She argues, that, “Small-scale farmers can play their part in conservation – Monty Don…

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Using modals on this site.

I found the modals a fab way of keeping pages tidy and when writing about DnD games they allow me to hide the hints. i found some examples, and created a page with three modals, with which I had some problems which now seem nearly fixed. I will/might use the technique to hide the motions…

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