I was introduced to DOT and Graphviz. This might be useful for building dependency charts. I particularly like the radial display.

Two links,

  1. DOT (graph description language)
  2. http://www.graphviz.org/Documentation/dotguide.pdf
  3. Graphviz Example: Radial Layout

A note on how to use twopi. the radial graph generator

Here’s a mirror of the User Manual. 20 March 2015.

It seems to be broken on more recent versions of the Mac, documented on their download page. I have tried the macports install and nothing. (I say nothing, there is an application but it won’t open files. Does this leave me with, docker or Ubuntu in Virtual Box, but does it have the gui? graphviz-gui was the macports keyword. Otherwise, do I want to write a TCL/TK script, maybe python? Hell Yes, but it’s really easy to use the command line.

I used it to make the graph in the article on Crossroads Keep.

In the spring of 2021, I needed to make another graph, the most accessible was to run it on my W10 machine. I used this links,]

  1. https://graphviz.org/download/#windows for the binaries, but no viewer on windows
  2. man dot to remind me how to use the -T parameter
  3. I tried to use wt.exe but the install of graphviz was not visible to it and I couldn’t install graphviz within the ubuntu environment

So I used visual code to make the .dot file,  -Tpng and an image viewer to see the results.


Dave Technology , , ,

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